Living an Ethical, Sustainable, Minimal, Zero-Waste + Holistic Lifestyle

I know the question that most often comes to mind when I express to others how I’m living is, “what exactly does this lifestyle entail?”

Living ethically means that I live in a way that is considerate towards others and the environment. To live ethically means you value something other than yourself, and you live by that mantra day to day. To truly life an ethical life, you must be selfless, and express genuine gratitude towards others. Ethicality is not a self-serving principle, nor is it solely done for self-satisfaction.

Living sustainable, minimally, and zero-waste means that I make a conscious effort to reduce the use of earth’s natural resources, and I don’t live beyond my means.

People always give me that look when I say I’m a minimalist because some automatically assume that it means I’m living with nothing lol. But in actuality, it really just means that I only live with things that I need. For example, everything I have is being put to maximum use, I don’t have anything that I don’t use daily. Living minimally also inclines me to be huge on recycling. That practice also ties into zero-waste.

Holisticism, and living holistically has changed my life. I’m aware of my entire being (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical). I live in a way that feeds my soul like no other and the healing that has come along with it is something that I will always be grateful for.


I look forward to sharing how you can embark on this lifestyle journey with me. Stay tuned!

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