Prepping Your Body For a Cleanse

Every three months or so I like to do a full body cleanse. It gets me re-energized, rejuvenated, vibrant, and overall it makes me feel lighter, happier and healthier. Juice cleanses are my usual go-to but I have cleansed in other ways.

Methods you can choose from to detox and cleanse your body—

  • fasting for 1-7 days

  • drinking fresh fruit and veggie juices, smoothies, water, and tea

  • eliminated foods high in heavy metals— cilantro is great at ridding our bodies of heavy metals

  • taking supplements and/or herbs


How To Prepare Your Body

Before you start a cleanse, you need to put your body through a pre-cleanse. This will maximize your results and make the cleanse more beneficial to your body and overall health; setting you up for a more effective cleanse overall. Taking the time to do so is important because it can help ease the detoxification symptoms over the first few days.


Pre-Cleanse Phase

At least 1 or 2 days before you start a cleanse eliminate the following: 

  • Dairy (yogurt, milk, cheese, eggs)

  • Meat (fish, chicken, pork, beef, etc)

  • Sugar (this includes honey, agave nectar, stevia)

  • Alcohol— sorry, no wine (:

  • Salt (white, table, foods with high sodium content)

  • Coffee (pro tip: if you are a regular coffee drinker, switch to yerba mate or green tea!)

  • Wheat (bread, pasta)

If you like to regularly indulge in any of the foods listed above, don’t dwell on the fact that you can’t have them. Instead, think of all the fresh fruits and vegetables you CAN have before you start your cleanse. Increase your intake of water, fruits, and veggies to start off strong. If you end up wanting something hearty and warm, enjoy a cup of bone broth. Happy cleansing!

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