A Morning Cure All Wellness Shot

Adding a morning wellness shot to my routine has been an essential element in maintaining a healthy immune system. It’s simple, effective and quick— just throw it back and go on ‘bout your business.


This wellness shot has just 4 ingredients— juiced ginger, fresh squeezed limes, honey, and black seed oil.


Enhances immune response thanks to its powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also stimulates the production of digestive acids that help enhance nutrient absorption and ease bloat.


Limes are jam packed with vitamin C— which protect against infection and speeds up your body’s healing process. They also help reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar levels, improve skin texture and increase iron absorption.


Honey contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc and antioxidants. One of my favorite things about honey is its ability to improve gut health and digestion— honey is a prebiotic! Prebiotics feed and nourish beneficial probiotics, and also help to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria that may be present in our digestive system.


Black seed has endless benefits. It is nutrient rich, containing omega 3, 6 and 9, potassium, iron, vitamin E and B vitamins. To keep it short, it supports whole body health. A major way is by supporting T-cells (which help maintain a healthy immune response).

HELPFUL TIP— I juice loads of ginger that will last the entire week and then some.

I don’t measure the ingredients, but I include only 1 tsp of the blackseed oil in each 2 oz shot. The recommended dosage for blackseed oil is 1 tsp 2x a day. In the evening I prefer to take 1 tsp of the oil straight and chase it with a lime wedge or add it to my tea— which should always be caffeine free before bed. Wellness shots (for me) are just taken in the morning to jump start my day.

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